On NoomVibe you, the talk host, can control which guests are allowed to join your talk.
While you are giving a live talk, the circular space which appears next to your profile image is the guest spot. If there are no guests, you will see a sleeping cat graphic. If there are 1 or more guests then the cat graphic will be replaced by a number; this number reflects the number of people in your guest queue.
To allow a guest to join your talk, tap the number in the guest spot; this will reveal the guests' profiles. Then tap the checkmark on the guest you would like to add. Next, that guest will be transferred to your guest spot and they will be able to speak with you live.
The countdown timer above the guest indicates your preselected guest duration. Once the timer expires, the guest will automatically be removed from your guest spot. Note: once a talk has started, the guest duration cannot be modified.